Punjabi University Patiala, India, Website http://www.universitypunjabi.orghttp://www.advancedcentrepunjabi.orghttp://www.universitypunjabi.org/sangam/http://www.advancedcentrepunjabi.org/intro1.asp

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Project Background


Project beneficiaries

Project Time-Line

Team Members

Project Progress

 Year  Beginning of Activity Output
First Year Schedule
Month 1 System analysis and design. Study of standards and formats used for storing Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi scripts. Refresher workshop for Urdu and Punjabi languages.System Analysis and Design
Month 2 Selection of 25,000 most frequently used Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi terms.Design of Lexical entry interface and lexical entry of these terms. Data entry of 5,000 Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi terms
Month 3 Development of mapping tables and transliteration rules for transliteration of Shahmukhi to Gurmukhi. Data entry of 10,000 Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi terms.Mapping tables and transliteration rules completed.
Month 4 Implementation of mapping tables and transliteration rules Data entry of 15,000 Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi terms.A rule-based primitive version of the Transliteration software ready.
Month 5 Selection of representative corpus of Shahmukhi text of at least 3 million words. Data entry of 20,000 Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi terms.
Month 6 Design of database for storing the corpus and other tables to be used in the software. Data entry of 25,000 Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi terms. Development of a half million word corpus
Month 7 Integration of Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi dictionary with the rule based Transliteration software. Development of one million word corpus.Rule and dictionary based version of the Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi Transliteration software.
Month 8 Design of modules for context analysis of Shahmukhi text including statistical and natural language processing. Development of one and half million word corpus.Development of module for statistical of Shahmukhi text including unigram, bigram and trigram analysis.
Month 9 Development of morphological analyzer for the Shahmukhi text. Development of two million word corpus
Month 10 Continue with corpus development. Development of two and half million word corpus
Month 11 Continue with corpus development. Development of three million word corpus
Month 12 Integration of the corpus with the other modules of the transliteration software Development of beta version of the transliteration software. The software will be using a combination of translitertion rules and mapping table, Shahmukhi-Gurmukhi dictionary and statistical and context analysis of the Shahmukhi corpus.
Second Year Schedule
Month 13 Testing of the beta version on carefully selected text. Validation and removing of bugs in the beta version.
Month 14 Continue testing on more text. Validation of software.
Month 15 Continue testing on more text. Validation of software.
Month 16 Design the online version of the software to be deployed on the internet. Implementation of some of modules of online version of transliteration software
Month 17 Continue with development of online version Implementation of some of modules of online version of transliteration software
Month 18 Continue with development of online version Development of online version of transliteration software
Month 19 Testing of the online version on different operating systems and browsers Validation of online version
Month 20 Continue testing of the online version on different operating systems and browsers Validation of online version
Month 21 Installation, User testing and field testing of final version Validation of both the offline and online versions of the software
Month 22 Getting feedback from users Validation of both the offline and online versions of the software based on the user feedback.
Month 23 Continue with validation of the software Final version of the software ready.
Month 24 Documentation and packaging of the system Documentation and software development complete.
© 2006 ACTDPLLC Punjabi University, Patiala